Graduate Edition 2021-2023

Grading System

A Designates work of exceptionally high quality. The "A" grade represents the highest level of academic achievement; it is given only for work of the highest quality.
B Designates work which is above average and of good quality. The "B" grade represents a high level of academic achievement; it is given for work which is above average but lacks the high quality of "A" work.
C Designates work which is satisfactory and of average quality. The "C" grade represents an adequate level of academic achievement; it is given for work which is acceptable but lacks the superior quality of "B" work.
D Designates work of less than satisfactory quality. The "D" grade represents a minimal level of academic achievement; it is given for work which is less than average in quality but is at least of sufficient quality to meet minimum standards in most courses and thus carries credit. However, in ENGL 102 Composition I and ENGL 103 Composition II grades of "D" work do not meet the minimum standards and must be repeated.
F Designates work of such unsatisfactory quality that no credit is awarded.
FC   A “FC” grade designates work as unsatisfactory. FC will be assigned to a student to indicate unsuccessful completion of the course and no credit is awarded. This grade is not calculated into a student’s GPA.
I Indicates that the student may have maintained a passing average, but for reasons beyond the student's control course assignments have not been completed. An instructor should give a student an "I" grade ONLY for justifiable reason. An "I" grade carries no quality points and is computed in the student's GPA.
IF Indicates an incomplete grade that was changed to a failing grade by the Registrar’s Office after the designated time had expired for the change or a grade change was submitted with a failing grade. An "IF" grade carries no quality points and is computed in the GPA.
IP Indicates that the student has not completed the Senior Honors Thesis/Project or has not passed the PRAXIS to exit EDUC 400. This grade is awarded only for students enrolleed in HON 494 Senior Honors Colloquium.  Students may take two semesters to complete the Senior Colloquium Thesis/Project with an "IP" (In Progress) grade for the first semester.  Students may take three semesters to complete EDUC 400.  The "IP" grade may also be awarded in graduate courses that require theses and in certain Flight Courses dependent upon the completion of all required flight hours.

A “P” grade designates work as satisfactory. P grades will be assigned to a student to indicate successful completion of the course. P grade will be given for an A, B, C, D grade. P grades do not carry any quality points and do not factor into a student’s GPA.


A “P1” grade designates work as satisfactory. P1 grades will be assigned to a student to indicate successful completion of the course. P1 grades will be given for an A, B, or C grade. P1 grades do not carry any quality points and do not factor into a student’s GPA. 


A “P2” grade designates work as less than satisfactory quality. A P2 grade will be given for D grade. A P2 grade will only fulfill degree requirements that do not require a C or better for completion. A P2 grade does not carry any quality points and does not factor into a student’s GPA. 

WA A "WA" grade will be assigned to a student who has been administratively withdrawn from a course or the University for disciplinary reasons and/or under special circumstances wherein administrative approval is required.

Withdrawal for extenuating circumstances will be assigned to a student who has provided documented evidence to support extenuating circumstances that prevented them from being able to continue the course. 

W Withdrawal. The grade of "W" is given to indicate withdrawal from a course by the designated deadline.
WD Withdrawal from the University.

Plus or minus signs are not recognized in computing and recording official passing grades at Elizabeth City State University.